The Panasonic Lumix TZ6 and other Panasonic models come with a feature called Panorama Assist. Instead of taking a group of photos and stitching then together as soon as their taken, the Assist feature means that it does not do this for you, and it has to be stitched together later in PP.
The feature allows you to take a photo, and bring up an overlap of that photo on the next picture you are taking of the panorama. It takes a while to get the hang of, and if your photographing a landscape with no landmarks it is hard to allign the overlaps. However, the point of this post was to admit that I was impressed with the feature, and when using a decent overlapping program, such as Photoshop's Photomerge, the results are pretty good!
Below is an example of a landscape put together with 3 photos. Even when reviewing the photos it is hard to tell if you have matched them up correctly, but it seems to have worked pretty well.