I enjoy making photos into more fun and interesting things, just as turning a standard photo into a polaroid. I have had a look around the net for some good free and quick piecies of software to enhance your photos without the need to follow a detailed photoshop tutorial!
The first Program is called Polaroid, a small and extremely simple piece of software designed to turn your picture into a convincing polaroid! Not only does it mess with the colours it also adds smudge marks and lines to make your picture look like it has actually been handled.
I then simply found a decent looking handwriting font and bob's your uncle, perfect polaroids everytime!
The second piece of software I would like to recommend is Tiltshift. Where Tiltshift lenses can be expensive, this free site allows you to upload any picture and it will convert it to give it the miniature model look. My example is not that good as I did not really have any photos suitable enough, but check out Hammerhead's picture from Flickr for a really good example. Below is my example:
- James
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