
So I havn't posted in a while due to not having much time to get out there and shoot some pictures to talk about and also Jim is travelling Europe for a month so has been slacking with the posts which isn't acceptable!

Anyway... Just an update on some of the equipment I am starting to get. I am focussing on lighting at the moment so I have invested in a new flash gun, the Nikon SB-900 to accompany my SB-600. It's a really great flash and nikons flagship mode with a better screen and menu as well as more power and zoom range to throw the light further.

I also got my 1st lighting kit which consists of a light stand, hotshoe adapter, umbrella adapter and an 80cm all in one umbrella. I am really looking forward to testing this out. Just need to find someone to model for me! I'm sure Jim will when he gets back. As long as everyone is comfortable witll full frontal male nudity. joke

-- Craig